Q3PLUS CHANGESLOG Version 3e (25 October 2021)


+ All xp_ client and server variables are changed to cg_ (client) and sv_ (server). For more info check html documentation in q3plus/docs folder.
+ Client cvars cg_screenshotDefault and startrecordDefault changed to cg_screenshotFormat and cg_startrecordFormat
+ Removed <cg_drawConsole> cvar (no more bugs and hidden text messages when you move to another server or mod)
+ 9 unnecessary cvars removed: cg_drawConsole, drawNames, noMip, noParticles, noShotgunTrail, noSnow, oldGrenade, oldHitSound and oldScoreboard
+ q3plus servers now have priority (always on top) in game server browser
+ sv_motd and /motd (message of the day) changed to sv_maps and /maps. (neat <maplist> popup window on screen when player type /maps in console)
+ Added q3plus info in mod UI (version number and date, cfg info, q3plus site, credits etc.)
+ Changed gamename from <excessiveplus> to <q3plus>. q3plus servers will no longer be part of Excessive Plus and XP server spider.


+ Enhanced <fonts> (xp, xp_l, ui, baseq3 and numbers) + bigchars (font) in <gfx/2d> folder. Patched warning in console -> missing baseq3_32 font...
+ Standard Q3 crosshairs from 1 to 10 enahnced, crosshairs from 11 to 20 replaced with newer crosshairs from Quake Live.
+ Blood flash on-screen in game is now turned off by default <sx_noScreenDamage 0|1>
+ Gfx content enhanced (blood stain/spurt, shadow, hud elements, marks on walls <all weapons> etc.)
+ Replaced old XP HUDs (head-up display) with new huds in QL and Q3 custom style (hud01 to 10). Added bigger center timer and weaplist on another side
+ Added enhanced HD icons (all simple items) from Quake Live, all medals (awards) and alternative CPMA icons <sx_cpmaIcons 0|1>
+ High Quality Menu add-on by ZerTer0 is now official and optinal q3plus add-on. Enhanced whole menu/art content, background, 2 menu logos <sx_menuLogo 0|1> etc.
+ Added new (better visible) alpha <bright> skins (enemy models) from Quake Live instead old Excessive Plus skins
+ Keel and TankJr sport skins from Quake Live are now available as alternative to bright enemy models <sx_sportSkins 0|1>
+ Perfect shape of all powerups <md3 files> (ammo, armors, health and instant) with HD (enhanced) skins. md3 files now use only 1 frame instead 30 in prev version
+ HD weapon skins (all weapons), few md3 files with small corrections and "new" HQ explosions, projectiles, grenades, smoke, LG beam, rail trail etc.
+ Removed team color <red/blue> smoke <rocket/grenade> (projectile trail) in teamplay. Smoke is now in standard grey color.
+ Added choice between 3 railgun skins (default, skin with glow effect and old known black skin) <sx_rgStyle <0|1|2>
+ Two alternative lightning beam styles 0 = q3 default, 1 = QW inspired and 2 = thin LG beam <sx_lightningStyle 0|1|2>
+ Solved LG beam texture conflict (missing texture) between OSP client from baseq3 folder and q3plus mod
+ Weapon flashes, except GT and LG flash are now disabled by default <sx_noWeaponFlash 0|1|2>
+ Optinal sparks effect instead blood explosions when you hit enemy <sx_impactSparks 0|1>
+ Full noPicMip support for all models, weaphits and mapobjects (support 1.32c, q3e and ioq3). Cvar <cg_noMip> removed.
+ New 1.32e shader feature <novlcollapse> added for all items and player models (all items and player models on map stay bright when you set r_vertexlight 1)
+ Shaders now follow image.extension (harder to replace q3plus content with other visual mods from baseq3 folder)
+ <sprites> content changed and additionally enhanced (chat balloon, teammate and wh icon) <sx_teammateIcon -1|0|1|2>
+ Added basic cllient cfg with some necessary settings (network, noBobbing, green enemy...) Usage: /exec q3plus
+ Scripts from HQQ add-on for simple changing resolutions. Example: /exec res1920x1080

        widescreen: 256:135 - 4096x2160
        widescreen: 43:18 - 3440x1440
        widescreen: 21:9 - 2560x1080 and 3840x1600
        widescreen: 16:9 - 1280x720, 1360x768, 1366x768, 1536x864, 1600x900, 1920x1080, 2048x1152, 2560x1440 and 3840x2160
        widescreen: 8:5 - 1280x800, 1440x900, 1680x1050, 1920x1200 and 2560x1600
        widescreen: 5:3 - 1280x768
        widescreen: 4:3 - 1600x1200
        widescreen: 3:2 - 1440x960


+ New external cvars for 1.32e users (type /seta in console first time and confirm with /vid_restart or add cvars in your cfg manually through some text editor)

        sx_cpmaIcons <0|1> - choice between default and CPMA icons (simple items)
        sx_impactSparks <0|1> - causes the enemy to spark when you hit them
        sx_lightningStyle <0|1|2|3> - controls the lightning stream effect (0 = default Q3, 1 = QW inspired, 2 = thin LG, 3 = wide LG beam) *New
        sx_noLightningImpact <0|1> - lightning impact effect on surfaces by lightning gun. on|off *New
        sx_noScreenDamage <0|1> - on-screen damage (blood flash) on|off
        sx_noWeaponFlash <0|1|2> - shows a muzzle flash when firing a weapon (0 = enabled, 1 = disabled, 2 = default q3plus value)
        sx_rgStyle <0|1|2> - two "new" alternative railgun skins (0 = default, 1 = skin with glow effects, 2 = old known black skin)
        sx_sportSkins <0|1> - keel and tankjr sport skins as <bright> enemy model alternative
        sx_teammateIcon <-1|0|1|2> - triangle above the teammates head (-1 = no triangle, 0 = default Q3, 1 = modified, 2 = default Q3+ style)

        sx_menuLogo <0|1> - choice between standard Q3 and customized logo in main menu. This cvar is part of optional zzz-q3plusHQ pack.


+ Added Quake Live announcer voice (vadrigar) with better sound quality (feedback and teamplay)
+ Quake 3 announcer voice is still available but like optional replacement pack (q3plus/extras)
+ Radio and voice chat sounds are moved to optinal pack in folder (q3plus/extras)
+ Added missing Bitterman <drown> and Crash <taunt> sounds
+ Reduced noise on some sounds (quad, machinegun, plasma, noammo and buzzer)


+ Changed default mod configuration. (more info bellow)
+ Removed Excessive Plus configs <conf/excessive1 to 5> 
+ Added instagib (one hit, one kill) <rail only> configuration.

+ Default Q3Plus cfg <description>

 Weapons | changes (customizable). Main info, mostly Quake Live settings

        Gauntlet (GT) | damage = 50
        MachineGun (MG) | damage = 5, spread = 1 (low), ammo limit = 150
        Shotgun (SG) | max damage = 96 (16 x 6), spread = 850, fixed pattern = 2, ammo limit = 25
        Grenade Launcher (GL) | max damage = 100, max self damage = 50, splash damage = 100, ammo limit = 25
        Rocket Launcher (RL) | max damage = 100, max self damage = 42, speed = 1000, splash damage = 85, ammo limit = 50
        Lightning Gun (LG) | damage = 6, knockback = 10.5, ammo limit = 150
        RailGun (RG) | damage = 80, ammo limit = 25
        Plasma Gun (PG) | damage = 20, self damage = 7, splash damage = 14, self knockback = 24, ammo limit = 150
        BFG 10k | max damage = 100, max self damage = 50, splash damage = 100, cycle (reload) = 333, ammo limit = 50

 Gametypes | changes (customizable)

        FFA [free for all] - weapon respawn time 3 seconds, no falling damage
        1v1 [duel] - time limit 8 minutes 
        TDM [team deathmatch] - weapon respawn time 20 seconds, drop weapon enabled
        CTF [capture the flag] - drop flag enabled, quake live scoring system
        CA [clan arena] - quake live ammo limits
        FT [freeze tag] - spawn protection 3 seconds, thaw score 2, thaw time 2 sec, start weapons (gt, mg and sg), reset all after each round
        * other gametypes without change

 Miscellaneous (recomended)

        - advanced spawn system
        - unlagged
        - cylindric hit box
        - modified vq3 (ql-alike) physics
        - drop weapon and flag features enabled (/drop weapon and /drop flag)


+ <botfiles> and bots: <argus>, <gauntlet> and <lakerbot>
+ Atmosphere efects (raindrop and snowflakes) and cvars in qvm files
+ Excessive Plus logo from console and screen 
+ 37 unnecessary levelshots for standard Quake 3 maps
+ <maps> folder with map <test_smallbox>
+ CPMA grenade, XP flags, flagbase, eye.md3 and gibs from folder <models>
+ <sfx> folder with many unknown textures
+ Particles from folder <sprites> and cvar in qvm files
+ Unnecessary map textures (ctf2, liquids, proto2, sfx and skies)


+ Q3Plus.exe loads q3plus mod at startup by default instead of baseq3. Prevents client .cfg conflict between baseq3 and q3plus mod.
+ All /sx_ client variables are added to the archive and will be stored in q3config.cfg, you dont need to use /seta to import this cvars anymore.
+ Console color is now transparent black with white line by default. If you want to change color use cvar /cl_conColor and set your RGB value. Default value is 0 0 0 195
+ Console speed changed to /scr_conSpeed 5 by default.
+ New cvar /con_height [0.1...1.0] - Sets the percentile of the screen the console window takes up when on display. (default is 0.5, half the screen)
+ New cvar /con_scale [1.0...3.0] - Console lettertype size. Very useful on high resolutions!
+ CTRL+ENTER in console sends message with command /team_say (team messagemode)
+ SHIFT+ENTER in console sends message with command /tell. Requires <PlayerID> before “message”
+ Built-in URL-filter (.cmd files added in q3plus mod) - check client variables and commands HTML document for details.


+ zz-svpatch_04.pk3 is a patch with missing shaders, textures and sound files which covers over 150 custom maps. *Updated
+ zzz-q3plusHQ is optinal add-on with many files from pak9hqq.pk3 add-on by ZerTer0
+ extras/zzz-Q3announcer.pk3 is replacement pack in case if you dont like default q3plus announcer voice.
+ extras/zzz-voiceChat.pk3 is optinal pack with voice and radio chat sounds. cvars -> cg_noRadioChat <0|1> and cg_noVoiceChat <0|1>
+ tools/cgQname.jar is old xpQname tool for creating "fancy" nicknames. Tool is edited and now follow q3plus cvar <cg_name> instead xp_ (java required).
+ Q3Plus64.exe is 1.32e release which run Quake 3 Arena with loaded q3plus mod. *Updated
+ zz-svpatch.pk3, zzz-q3plusHQ.pk3 and Q3Plus64.exe files will be periodically updated.


Excessive Plus v2.2b (Jul 14 2011)

Client / UI

fix: fancy console now degrades gracefully on sv_pure servers. no need to disable/enable the console manually when changing server
chg: xp_modelScale now 0, 0.5..1.0
fix: client crash on some conditions
fix: exploit
add: xp_drawConsole "bitmask" (default: 3). this will replace the engine console with a custom one, which allows extended color codes to be displayed
        1       enable the console
        2       filter out most debug/info messages
        4       do not scale the font size

add: Wallhack2 command along with wallhackPassword cvar, available for spectators (it will draw green bbox for live enemies only)
chg: bring back cg_optimizePrediction option (turned on by default)
chg: renamed some countries to match ISO 3166-2, see below
add: some country flags
        Saint Martin (MF) (unofficial)
        United Kingdom (GB)
        England (GB-ENG)
        Northern Ireland (GB-NIR)
        Scotland (GB-SCT)
        Wales (GB-WLS)
        Baden-Wuerttemberg (DE-BW)
        Bayern (DE-BY)
        Berlin (DE-BE)
        Brandenburg (DE-BB)
        Bremen (DE-HB)
        Hamburg (DE-HH)
        Hessen (DE-HE)
        Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (DE-MV)
        Niedersachsen (DE-NI)
        Nordrhein-Westfalen (DE-NW)
        Rheinland-Pflaz (DE-RP)
        Saarland (DE-SL)
        Sachsen (DE-SN)
        Sachsen-Anhalt (DE-ST)
        Schleswig-Holstein (DE-SH)
        Thueringen (DE-TH)

add: more chat tokens
        $(corpse) - your last death location
        $(attacker) - name of your last attacker
        $(target) - name of your last (hit) target
        $(pickup) - last item you took
        $(item) - item close to you
        $(itemCrosshair) - item close to your crosshair
        $(location) - nearest item spawn
        $(friend) - friend close to you
        these can be used within "/say" and "/say_team"

add: xp_enemySound "model" (default: "")
        where model can be any valid model e.g. "sarge", "keel", "grunt" etc. an empty value "" will disable it and the sounds of the actual enemy model will be used

fix: team chat overflow
fix: xp_drawNames in combination with xp_drawMVDWindow
add: xp_ambient 0/1 to turn off ambient sounds
chg: thaw status (team overlay) now better visible for custom HUDs
add: xp_modelScale 0, 0.5..2.0 (default: 0)
        scales player models client-side
        a value of "0" will try to fit the model into the hitbox, a value of "1" will keep the behaviour of previous Excessive Plus versions.
        keep in mind that this is client-side only, e.g. a value of "1.5" will make the models look "big and easy to hit" but the hitbox remains as defined by the server

add: xp_modelJump 0/1 (default: 1)
        enables/disables jump animations client-side.
        most (all default) quake 3 models do use very odd jump animations, which do not align to the hitbox. aiming towards the head will most probably result in a miss, when the enemy is jumping.
        with disabled jump animations you of course will still see players jumping around but it will look different and their model will fit to the actual hitbox

fix: various crouching/duck animations to keep the model aligned to the hitbox
fix: step animation with better aligned crosshair
chg: xp_noBobbing "bitmask" (default: 0)

        1       disables weapon bobbing animation
        2       disables weapon switch animation
        4       disables weapon firing knockback animation
        8       disables damage kick

fix: added default "hud1-7.cfg" to pk3, to have them available on a pure server
chg: "/away" will append "-away" to your name
add: "/back" as the counterpart to /away to get back your nickname


chg: all configuration files now use the advanced parser engine and share a common syntax. no need to learn multiple syntax anymore, all common functions are available everywhere etc.

fix: teamed items not spawned if XP_WARMUPRESPAWN_ITEMS is used
fix: reload map if hot-switched to pure
fix: long wav names in /say command may cause server malfunction
add: SelfKnockbackCycle, SelfKnockbackMultiJumps weapon config options
chg: custom entity files now use same syntax as config files so you can use complex if-else constructs etc.
add: "Config -> Version"
add: random() function. returns a random number between 0 and 1. optionally takes 2 arguments. random(min, max) which will return a random number between min and max

add: activeClients() function, also deprecated $xp_activeClients
        using it will issue a warning and the variable will be removed in a later version, upgrade your rotations to activeClients() will return the number of active "playing" clients/players, useful for rotations, e.g. "if ( activeClients() >= 8 ) { q3dm11 }". the server will only rotate to q3dm11 if there are at least 8 players

chg: rotation now use same syntax as config files
        you can have complex if-else constructs and conditional maps finally work as you would expect them to additionally you can access all config attributes as read-only (no assignment) e.g. "Machinegun->Damage"
        if ( activeClients() >= 8 ) { q3dm11 }
        no need to even out map count in an tricky "else { ... }" block. add conditions just as you need them and they will work naturally

add: PW_FIRST_SPAWN to Start Powerups
fix: excessive3.cfg and excessive4.cfg (PW_FIRST_SPAWN)
chg: crontab now use same syntax as config files, complex if-else etc.
fix: all chat messages get properly en/decoded
fix: crouching players now have correct bbox when frozen
add: "Freeze Tag -> Movable"
add: "Freeze Tag -> Solid" to make frozen bodies act like shields against railgun
add: "Freeze Tag -> Score Penalty" scoring team has to manually thaw team mates
add: "Freeze Tag -> Round Delay"
add: "Freeze Tag -> Slithery"
fix: when timelimit is hit, no matter what value "Round Delay" was set to, the team will instantly score if all enemys are frozen
fix: frozen bodies could fall through curved solids
add: ban files can "include()" other ban files
        other than that, no complex if-else constructs etc. available here

add: /ban, /banname, /banip and /banguid now capable of temporary bans
        the time can be "Xw" for weeks, "Xd" for days, "Xh" for hours, "Xm" for minutes or just "X" for days
        example: /ban <playerId> 2h stop the spam!
                 /ban <playerId> you are permanently banned!

add: xp_floodProtectUserinfo 0/1 (default: 0)
        userinfo anti-flood protection. when enabled it allows renaming 3 times per 3 seconds and changing other info 5 times per 3 seconds

add: date() function
        can be used to have crontab independent settings based on date/time for the complete format specs see "www.php.net/strftime"
        example: if ( date("%d.%m") == "24.12" ) { /*add some xmas special*/ }

        unlike "xp_matchmode 2/3" this applies to all team games except TDM.
        a config can create e.g. round based CTF with warmup in between the rounds. you can even use a combination of both modes.
        this is independent of "roundlimit" and thus will also work for "fraglimit", "capturelimit" or even with all of them set to "0"

rem: removed xp_matchMode "2" and "3"
        now 0/1 only to enable the advanced options like "/timeout" etc. the former modes "2" and "3" are reproducible by "Round -> Mode"

chg: "roundlimit" applies to all gametypes
        unlike the name might suggest, this is completely independent of round based gameplay. it's just an alternative to "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" to "shorten" public games.
        it has always precedence over "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" e.g. roundlimit = 10 on CTF, then the game will end either when the difference between BLUE and RED is 50% (5 rounds, high lead) or the sum of BLUE + RED hits the roundlimit (5 + 5, the game will end draw if sudden death has been disabled).
        set it to "0" to give "fraglimit" and "capturelimit" the precedence

fix: "Hitbox" value should not touch the height
add: "Hitbox Cylinder" to replace the cuboid hitbox with a cylinder
        note: to simplify things, cg_drawBBox will use an outer octagonal prism to represent the cylinder used by the server

add: PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE, PHYSICS_AIR_STEPS and PHYSICS_STEP_JUMPS (you will want to add all of them for a QL-alike config)
        note: not all maps will fit PHYSICS_QUAKE_LIVE, e.g. you can walk off the blue/red platform (q3ctf4) into your death without jumping, while the platform borders on q3dm17 will just work fine. it is suggested to keep this disabled, even for QL-alike configs, as it requires different map design and might fail for random maps in Quake 3

add: PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS and PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS (previously double jumps were bundled with ramp jumps)
        upgrade from v2.1 to v2.2: (this affects almost all configs) if you had PHYSICS_NO_RAMP_JUMPS set, just drop it. otherwise you will need to add both PHYSICS_RAMP_JUMPS and PHYSICS_DOUBLE_JUMPS to your $xp_physics cvar

add: "Impact Score" to receive additional score points based on inflicted damage
add: "Range", "Falloff Range" and "Falloff Factor" to all hit-scan weapons
add: "PATTERN_TIGHT" and "PATTERN_CENTER" to SG fixed pattern
chg: "Shotgun -> Fixed Pattern"
                QL:   PelletCount = 20; FixedPattern = 3; Spread = 1000;
                CPMA: PelletCount = 16; FixedPattern = 2 | PATTERN_TIGHT;

add: pmove_accurate 0/1, 30..125 (default: 0)
        an alternative to pmove_fixed which had some drawbacks like the choppy movement or missing sounds.
        enabling this will get rid of frame-rate dependent physics and be fair for everyone. 
        however it will require more bandwidth and make people (with "com_maxfps 125") no longer jump as high and far as they were used to before.
        to solve this, you can set pmove_accurate to a value of "125". 
        this will effectively make all players jump as high and far as if they had 125 fps even when their actual fps is lower or unstable.

add: xp_antiCheatLevel 0..5 (default: 0)
        It will detect and kick users of some 'popular' cheats like classic aimbots and autoshooters.
        AntiCheat system is controlled with xp_antiCheatLevel variable.
        It can be setup for levels 0..5 where level 0 means AntiCheat is off (never does kick), level 1 means maximum tolerance (least strict) and level 5 means minimum tolerance (most strict).
        Level 3 is optimal for public servers, while higher levels may result to kicking normal players using broken hardware

rem: removed xp_voteconf and voteconf.txt
add: advanced callvote and referee commands
        admins now have full control over callvotes. they can restrict the command itself, it's voteable values (e.g. only g_gametype ffa or ctf) and even create own, very custom, server specific votes.
        to use the advanced system, xp_vote and/or xp_referee have to point to a file, e.g. "/set xp_vote callvote.txt" (see callvote.txt for the syntax)

fix: referees are no longer affected by callvote limits, they can also callvote as spectators
add: in combination with the advanced callvote, referees can callvote their ref commands
add: firstTime() function. tells whether it is the first load of a config
        it is strongly suggested to have any cvar assignment in such a block, to give server admins more control over the config. otherwise it will most definitely result in multiple/modified configs per server
        if ( firstTime() ) {
                $xp_chatProtection = no;
                $xp_unlagged = yes;
        the server admin can disable unlagged or enable chat protection at any time (without modifying the .cfg file) and the config will respect his decision, not resetting the values on the very next map rotation

add: warmup() function. Allows to have different settings during warmup. this will only apply to real warmups not "Round -> Warmup"
        if ( warmup() ) {
                DM Flags |= DM_INFINITE_AMMO;

chg: xp_teamBalance 0/1/2 (default: 1)
        0       do not balance teams after a match
        1       balance by score + kills per hour
        2       balance by score

add: /teamBalance 1/2   you can /callvote, /ref or /rcon this to balance teams during a match.
        the match continues with all the stats intact (score, awards etc.) but players will respawn at the base and possibly in a different team

add: "World Damage -> Hurt"

Excessive Plus v2.1 (Nov 21 2010)

Client / UI

fix: radio chats
fix: callvote dissapears on warmup end
fix: bounced trails
add: cg_drawBBox to draw the enemy hitboxes on demos
add: xp_delagDemo to delag followed players on demos, so you can know better what was the player seeing locally
fix: demo ui playback on linux
fix: several animations with high uptime
add: customizable HUDs. use /hud hudname to load your preferred hud, alternatively use /set xp_hud "hudname" in your config
chg: low ammo warning now per weapon
chg: shooting while climbing up stairs should be more accurate
fix: removed several sounds for gibbed players
chg: ingame spider shows non-xp servers after xp servers
add: special "tv" parameter to /follow command to enter tv mode
add: xp_onEnter cvar to execute a command at the start of a map
fix: menu background for openarena 0.8.5
add: select hud ui
add: double click to demo/mod/server/hud list launches ui action
fix: weapon randomly dissapears when spawning after being frozen


chg: updated ipdb
fix: one flag ctf crash for baseq3 clients. baseq3 clients now finally can play one flag ctf (g_gametype 6), they will see the neutral flag as a second red flag
chg: spectators now respect playerclips again
fix: weapon splash doesn't open doors if no damage
fix: 2 player spawns on same spot
add: /cmd2 <cvarname> [ <arg1> ... ] executes the string in the given cvar with all the occurrences of $(X), where X is a number, replaced with the parameters passed as arguments
add: server commands of the form /=cvarname [...] will be expanded to /cmd2 cvarname [...] on execution
chg: player positions are no longer snapped to integers
chg: chatting no longer prevents camp protection
fix: shoot players standing over your head
add: DM flag for dropping weapon on death only if it's an start weapon
chg: accuracy award depends on frags
chg: xp_muteSpectators improved and now works for every gametype
add: Items->* config options
chg: Misc->ShootableItems config option renamed to Items->Shootable
fix: crash when setting very long cvars on config files
add: SelfKnockbackHV, SelfSlideFactor, FiringKnockbackHV, TeamKnockback and TeamSplashKnockback (weapon config options)
add: Grapple->BreakingKnockback config option
add: Distance, Style config options for Gauntlet
chg: rcon mistypes are now echoed back but not broadcasted
chg: /rcon say changed to /rcon says, since the first is handled by the engine
add: WorldDamage->* config options
add: FloatingSpeedRate config option
add: xp_voteTime server cvar for adjustable vote time
chg: /away, /team, /lock, /unlock, /invite, /callvote, /vote commands now available during timeout
add: xp_spawnSystem bitmask

        1       Avoid spawns close to enemies
        2       Avoid spawns close to place of death

fix: drowning after timeout
add: Shotgun->FixedPattern config option
fix: memory leak in config parsing
add: players can prevent timeout ready end by running /notready
add: /notready for referees/admins (also added the command to list of default referee commands)
fix: /ready during warmup breaks round warmup
fix: crouching on air
fix: last used weapon after round warmup end
chg: reworked Round->Warmup and Round->WarmupRespawn config options
chg: leader gets unlimited ammo on available weapons in PTL gametype
chg: tv mode for spectating referees follows locked teams
fix: MVD recording disabled on map rotate/restart
fix: memory leak on custom map entities parsing
fix: player getting crushed/stuck on doors when using bigger hitboxes
add: /pause for "unlimited" timeouts, /unpause as an alias of /timein also added /pause and /unpause to list of default referee commands
add: new xp_spawnSystem bitmask bit     4 (use CTF spawns for ALL team gametypes)
fix: player time after warmup
fix: no knockback from direct impact with zero damage (missiles)
add: a string put in xp_noCustomEnts is used as a suffix when locating .ents and .add files (e.g. 'mapname_suffix.ents' and 'mapname_suffix.add'). Suffix mutes begin with a letter

Excessive Plus v2.0a (Mar 17 2010)

Client / UI

fix: demo playback for 1.04beta6
fix: widescreen: for resolutions other than 4:3. now you can play quake in full HD without streched hud/text
chg: introduced new font system
chg: replaced country flags
add: /screenshotXP [ <tga | jpeg> [ <format> ] ]. set xp_screenshotDefault to change the default format, see below for the format
add: xp_screenshotDefault
add: /startrecord [ <format> ]. set xp_startrecordDefault to change the default format

        $(rdate)                        1999-12-02
        $(date)                         02-12-1999
        $(time)                         18-00-59
        $(gametype)                     ffa, single, 1on1, tdm, ctf, rtf, 1fctf, ca, ftag, ptl
        $(map)                          q3dm2
        $(address)                      localhost-27960
        $(servername)           My-excessive-server
        $(name)                         ExcessivePlayer
        $(team)                         free, red, blue, spec
        $(otherteam)            none, red, blue
        $(teamname)                     none, g_blueTeam, g_redTeam
        $(otherteamname)        none, g_blueTeam, g_redTeam
        $(redteamname)          g_redTeam
        $(blueteamname)         g_blueTeam

add: xp_startrecordDefault
chg: team models change to red/blue when spectating instead of xp_enemyColors.
fix: infinite health/armor/ammo now displays correctly in the hud
fix: timer display with xp_noBlink
add: thaw status to scoreboard, team info and crosshair
add: xp_drawScores
add: xp_drawWeaponSelect
fix: roundlimit takes precedence over fraglimit in the score display
add: mouse pointer to the scoreboard. click on players to spectate them. can be controlled by xp_drawMouse
add: xp_drawMouse
add: custom notify console to use the new font
add: xp_drawNotify bitmask

        -1      use old (engine) notify
        0       disabled
        1       draw chat
        2       draw frags
        4       draw killstreaks
        8       everything else

add: /echo2 wich works for xp_drawNotify
add: new fancy code "^l" will lite/thin the font
add: xp_name no longer read-only
chg: encoding of fancy names. only xp_name accepts encoding.

        example: "## #d4 #c5 #d3 #d4" would be "# T E S T" with fancy font
                see "tools/charmap.png" for the mapping

fix: teammates do not bleed if g_friendlyFire is disabled. enemys only bleed if the attack actually hurts.
add: xp_corpse bitmask

        1       fade dead bodys into dark
        2       fade frozen bodys of enemy team into dark
        4       filter dead bodys

fix: frozen status for player ids > 15
add: SPAWN KILL to frag message
add: xp_noShotgunTrail
add: xp_teamSounds

        0       disabled
        1       ctf sounds
        2       score sounds

add: players do breath in FTAG (can be disabled by xp_noSnow)
add: xp_gunFov will keep the weapon model at fov 90
add: xp_oldHitsound
chg: precedence of xp_enemyModel over cg_forcemodel
chg: xp_drawNames only valid while demo or for team members
add: some useful info + spam to the scoreboards
add: teamnames to scoreboard
fix: playermodel in settings menu now use correct colors
fix: serverinfo menu have an animation to display all available info
fix: server browser to be faster, cleaner and have better filters
fix: some client-side predictions
add: /mute <id | all | red | blue | spec> (alias /ignore). mutes will stay for the session. you can add something like "unmute all" to xp_OnExit
add: /unmute <id | all | red | blue | spec>     (alias /unignore)
add: xp_delagWeapons bitmask

        1       Machinegun
        2       Shotgun
        4       Lightning
        8       Railgun

add: cg_projectileNudge, cg_cmdTimeNudge
fix: cl_timeNudge
fix: unlagged client side prediction
add: referees colored in yellow
add: cg_oldRail now bitmask

        1       Railgun trails
        2       Shotgun trails

chg: xp_enemyColors works when following a player
chg: cg_gunX, cg_gunY and cg_gunZ are no longer cheat protected
chg: shadow marks no longer depends on cg_shadows
chg: cg_smoothClients removed
fix: new hitsounds now actually work
add: xp_recordMessage to disable on-screen demo recording message
add: /startmvd [ <format> ]     (starts recording a multiview demo). uses same format as /startrecord
add: /stopmvd (stops recording a multiview demo). use it instead of directly issuing an /stoprecord command
add: xp_drawMVDWindow to toggle on/off the secondary window drawing on MVD playback
add: xp_noParticles to improve perfomance of rocket and grenade explosions
add: xp_noBobbing bitmask

        1       disables weapon bobbing animation
        2       disables weapon switch animation
        4       disables weapon firing knockback animation

chg: color codes now are consistent with chat colors
add: xp_specModel to enable own model for spectating player
fix: pain sounds
chg: redesigned demo ui
fix: playback demos with spaces on their names
add: cg_crosshairPulse
chg: new options for xp_noMip bitmask, the full list is:

        1               Lightning bolt
        2               Plasma projectile and explosion
        4               Rocket explosion
        8               Grenade explosion
        16              Bullet explosion
        32              Rail trail
        64              BFG explosion
        128             Blood explosion
        256             Smoke puff
        512             Shadow marks
        1024    Wall marks

add: xp_aspectRatio
add: xp_drawClientNum bitmask

        1       Chats
        2       Obituary
        4       Tourney scoreboard

chg: team spectators of a locked team can see teamchats of that team
chg: teamchats while spectating a locked team will be directed to that team
add: /say_spec <message>. chat to spectators while spectating a locked team
add: /messagemodeXP <mode>

        1       /say
        2       /say_team
        3       /say_spec

add: fifth letter to xp_colors and xp_enemyColors used instead of color2
add: special "?" color code for player current team color (white in non-team gametypes)
add: demo playback for baseq3 and older excessiveplus versions
chg: /scores shows caps and thaws


chg: server is now .dll/.so based, start server with +set vm_game 0
        to prevent popups for local games: /seta com_blindlyLoadDLLs 1

add: SQLite database
chg: userdb is now SQLite based
chg: new parser engine for cfg files
fix: /load now search in the right path. so "/load excessive3" will find the right config
chg: xp_config is no longer read-only
        it can be used as a /load replacement and the config will load on next map. further the variable was removed from serverinfo. see below for details

chg: xp_version now includes config, md5 hash of config and the name of it
fix: added "ClientBegin" line after warmup
chg: more realistic physics for frozen bodys. also they swim now, this helps in non-transparent water
chg: xp_physics now bitmask

        PHYSICS_CONTROL_STOP            4
        PHYSICS_NO_RAMP_JUMPS           8

chg: xp_solids now bitmask

        SOLIDS_PLAYER   1
        SOLIDS_BODY             2
        SOLIDS_WEAPON   4

fix: spawn spot selection optimized
chg: completely separated knockback from damage
fix: infinite ammo/health/armor is now truly infinite
add: firing weight for weapons
fix: ftag/ca the first kill wins and draw if both die at the same time
fix: sends plain names to game browsers instead of dots
fix: no frozen body left on team change
fix: keep rank while waiting in line on tournament
fix: don't lock the view if the client being spectated disconnects
fix: /rcon mute
fix: /rcon vote
chg: /where [ <flag | spawn> ]
fix: /callvote exploit
chg: callvote "conf" is only available if enabled within xp_vote
add: "Score" to logfile
add: dual-way spawn protection
chg: cleaned up serverinfo
fix: no more disappearing missiles
fix: q3tourney3 fix for team games
fix: ftag frozen idicator for 16+ players
fix: bot jump/crouch bug
fix: individual weapon time
add: before, after and ammo weapon time
fix: escaping data before adding to bans.txt
fix: player matching first checks for a complete match (i.e. ban *)
add: xp_crazyCTF
fix: fancy font filter for non-CGAME players. no more "crazy mouse"
add: g_redTeam, g_blueTeam (both accept encoded text)
fix: receive stats for spectated player at end of map
fix: ctf flag reset after warmup
fix: callvote map/map_restart at end of match in tournament rotates players
fix: tournament is 1on1 again
fix: corpse gib for frozen bodys
fix: efficiency/accuracy > 100%
fix: inactivity spectator disabled during intermission
chg: reworked roundbased gameplay
chg: smoothed skipping players
fix: rotation system per-map command execution
chg: multiarena feature removed
chg: reworked second parameter to /rotate its now relative to current map instead of global
        pass "r" or "restart" as second parameter to rotate to first map in rotation

add: /forcejoin <clientNum> <red/blue/none>
chg: referee can spectate locked teams
chg: dont echo client commands during timeout/intermission
chg: warmup end does not clear locked teams
add: /timeout
chg: baseq3.cfg is now the default configuration
add: xp_improvePrediction (when on it will send information to clients earlier)
fix: team/enemy knockback will not detain you in a corner
fix: accuracy stats based on actual hits
fix: removed 100ms delay for weapon times (see default.cfg for conversion table 1.03 to 1.04)
fix: bfg grenades do not drop
chg: efficiency is based on kills and deaths, suicides are considered as deaths
fix: non-team spectators can no longer follow a player in a locked team
add: xp_maxMVD to limit the number of public simultaneous multiview demo recorders
chg: reworked health, armor and ammo stats
        now they only account for amount taken from items, but ignore regeneration

fix: several bugs with voting
fix: reworked and simplified weapon switch system
add: xp_noCustomEnts
add: xp_warmupRespawn bitmask

        WARMUPRESPAWN_ITEMS             2

chg: allow fraglimit to be hit when roundlimit is enabled
fix: powerups on timeout
chg: timelimit now float
add: /timein, alias /ready
add: default referee commands, they can't be turned off


add: killstreak reward and console notifications
chg: g_inactivity kicks spectators
chg: g_teamAutoJoin now bitmask

        1       Auto-join connecting players
        2       Preserve teams after gametype change

fix: no self knockback bug
chg: locking implies speclocking too
fix: bot stuck when no items on map
fix: 0 ping on tv mode
fix: reworked ptl gametype
fix: assist and defend rewards on 1fctf gametype
fix: rewards are cleared after warmup end
fix: team scoring during warmup
chg: ipdb is now SQLite based
chg: correct spelling for /countries command
add: spawnflag 32 to func_door to remove sounds
chg: haste affects weapon ammo regeneration
fix: CX flag
chg: updated ipdb
fix: leader suicide on PTL
add: xp_date (server info cvar that holds build date)
fix: bots in maps without items could segfault
fix: minor bug with ammo pickup for leaders on PTL gametype
fix: crash for projectiles thrown by the world
add: basic support for v1.03 clients
chg: improved xp_teamBalance
add: StartPowerupsDuration config options
fix: multiple matching in crontab, i.e. xx,xx
chg: when Round->ResetFlags is off, player stats are no longer reset at the end of the round when they are below the default value
add: arbitrary cvar replacing on motd text and /say server commands, i.e. $(sv_hostname)
add: /execstr <command>. executes the given command with every occurrence of $(cvarname) replaced with the value of the given cvar
fix: crash with "CG_CONFIGSTRING: BAD INDEX 1566" for 1.03 clients on freeze gametype
chg: improved performance of config parsing
fix: hit tones for high damage
chg: bot teamtask change removed from logfile
add: xp_legacy bitmask to control support for older xp versions

        0       Disable legacy support
        1       Enable legacy support
        2       Spam legacy clients with console upgrade messages every 5 min
        4       Spam legacy clients with centerprint upgrade messages every 5 min

fix: no flags on rtf gametype
chg: xp_unlagged now bitmask, see default.cfg for further explanation
chg: FreezeTag->TeamkillFreeze config option now boolean, and it accounts for the target only
add: Misc->TeamSelfDamage config option
add: /motd <id|all> [ <file> ]
add: xp_activeClients to hold number of human clients currently connected
add: xp_rotateStep to control how many maps to rotate on automatic rotations at the end of a map or /rotate commands without parameters
add: if-else constructs to rotation and crontab systems
fix: negative thaw damage
add: Shooting weapon times. won't be predicted properly on the client until next release
fix: preserve referee and speconly status across gametype changes
fix: xp_inactivitySpectator and g_inactivity on ftag and ca gametypes
chg: dmFlags cvar removed
fix: team overlay when spectating and MVD
fix: serverinfo lagging
fix: player with id 0 dissapears for a single server frame on thaws
chg: improved accuracy of floating point operations on i386 binary (requires pentium4 cpu or higher to run)

Excessive Plus v1.03 (Dec 9 2005)

chg: excessive5.cfg
chg: g_forcerespawn now float (0.001 is instant)
chg: you can now change team when frozen/fragged
chg: FTAG/CA you join as frozen/fragged
fix: callvote abuse
fix: frozen/fragged players now correct in scoreboard
fix: FTAG during warmup now 'You fragged XYZ'
chg: switch time > 0 now more instant
fix: warmup starts again on /notready
chg: thawing someone gives 2 points
chg: flag return in RTF gives 2 points
add: xp_enemyModel "xp"
fix: no voting for kick all
add: extended match mode
add: /lock to lock a team with a password
add: /unlock
add: /joinword
add: /invite
add: red/blue spectators
add: /timeout
fix: crontab (list, range selection)
add: xp_noMip
add: roundlimit (for CA/FTAG/PTL)
add: xp_matchmode 2
add: xp_matchmode 3
add: round policy CA/FTAG/PTL (xp_matchmode 2, 3)
chg: warmup does not restart map
chg: /callvote g_gametype 1on1 q3dm17
chg: xp_noBlink
add: full multi arena map support
add: different settings, configs per arena (g_gametype, etc)
add: g_maxTeamClients
chg: bit better sodmod bfg
add: kick/ban/rcon/referee/callvote to log
add: /wallhack while watching a demo
fix: disconnect message doesn't fuckup with extended names
add: per weapon switch time
add: variable bounding box
add: xp_teamBalance
chg: not allowed to vote 10 seconds after map change
add: xp_suddenDeath
add: /rcon lock
add: /rcon unlock
add: /rcon mute
add: /rcon unmute
add: refereePassword
add: xp_referee
add: /ref
add: /rcon vote
fix: some maps couldn't find spawn points

Excessive Plus v1.02b (May 25 2005)

fix: abusable userinfo with extended name
fix: excessive5.cfg now unlagged
fix: alpha skins
fix: xp skins with r_picmip
fix: wallhack
fix: jumppads
add: xp_matchmode
add: /ready (to start the match)
add: /notready
add: /teamready
fix: bfg style 0 has knockback again
fix: armor reset on round start
chg: handicap no longer affects health
chg: improved cg_drawtimer
add: health rot rate
add: armor rot rate
add: xp_voteconf (voteconf.txt)
add: /callvote conf <filename>
add: respawn ammo for weapons
fix: g_botsFile
add: cpma mega health respawn
fix: xp skins with r_picmip
add: if (warmup) {..}
add: /rcon ban <id/name> [<reason>]
add: xp_crosshairColor
add: xp_drawNames
add: xp_holyshit
fix: spectating after freeze now continues
add: xp_validTLD
add: clan arena (g_gametype 7)
add: /rcon s
add: /rcon status2
add: user database (aliases)
add: xp_userdb
add: /rcon whois <id/name>
add: /rcon w
rem: easter egg removed
add: /wallhack <rconPassword>
add: callvote reasons
add: xp_noChatBeep

Excessive Plus v1.01-beta (Apr 17 2004)

fix: gamespy filter
fix: r_picmip issue with font
fix: lg knockback 0
fix: ftag spectator-door
fix: ftag team change corpses
chg: no name change message for ^t
fix: /drop weapon
fix: ptl leader powerups pickup
chg: lowered trigger radius for spectators
chg: no player clips for spectators
chg: ptl leader can pickup ammo for his weapons
add: xp_noSnow
add: xp_oldGrenade
fix: ptl leader powerups drop
add: bitmasks can be written as "1+2+4+16" (human readable)
fix: xp skins with r_vertexlight 1

Excessive Plus v1.0 (Mar 24 2004)

add: +/-vstr
add: /weaplast
add: particles for explosions again
add: alpha skins
add: xp_enemyModel
add: xp_enemyColors
add: xp_colors
add: ban system (bans.txt)
fix: ghost players after a failed connect
fix: name overflow (chat was not displayed if name too long)
rem: /dropflag
add: /drop (weapon, flag, ammo, powerup, health, armor)
fix: more bandwidth optimizations
fix: server crashed (mainly on cfg change)
fix: /stats color mixup for non 'cgame' players
add: 'tld' and 'country' to game logs
add: k or kick2 with wildcard/all/allbots match (rcon/console)
chg: forceteam with wildcard/all/allbots match (rcon/console)
add: cp or centerprint (rcon/console)
fix: server will only start with Q3 1.32+
chg: railgun trail changed to Q3 1.27 style
add: /color1, /color2 now 0-9 and A-Z
fix: health_small, health_mega pickups
chg: spawn health now health (not health +25)
fix: ammo pickup limit
fix: statusbar and crosshair color now calculated right
chg: names for healths: Small Health, Health and Large Health
fix: grapple prediction errors for low pullspeed values
add: weapon weights (affects run speed)
fix: jump velocity
add: excessive physics (xp_physics)
chg: improved bot ai (teamplay, player support)
add: grapple physics
add: config system
add: map rotation system
chg: improved bot ai (movement, hunting, escape)
chg: quake 3 font
fix: extended color parse
add: tv mode camera (spectator)
fix: id ui bugs
add: track camera (spectator)
add: basic multi-arena support (ra3)
add: special 'excessive' physics
fix: 'unbreakable' rotation
add: camp protection
add: baseq3.cfg
fix: item radius (jump over item will pickup)
add: sodmod.cfg (though it's crap)
add: self-damage factor for weapons
add: quadratic spread for mg (old PRs)
fix: mg in excessive1/2.cfg
add: spread for pg streams
add: guided missiles
add: magnum.cfg (thanks to Pure Imaginary)
add: homing missiles
chg: xp.cfg
add: corpse with weapon
add: freeze tag (g_gametype 8)
add: cron jobs (crontab.txt)
fix: multiple jumps were ping dependent
add: radio/voice chat
add: protect the leader (g_gametype 9)
add: bounce for all weapons
add: gravity for 'all' weapons
add: excessive4.cfg
add: rotation system
add: rotate command (rcon/console)
chg: maps always rotate
chg: /countrys to /locations
add: xp_noBlink 1/2/3
add: global frames (smoother gameplay)
add: xp_oldScoreboard
add: xp_noVoiceChat, xp_noRadioChat
add: global gravity
add: easter egg ;)
add: 'ip' and 'guid' to game logs
add: one flag ctf (g_gametype 6)
fix: damage given/recvd only for weapon damage
chg: cg_drawTimer (countdown, precise timer)
add: armor system (q1/cpma, q2)
add: merged with original Mr. Pants settings
fix: further adjustments to the excessive .cfg's
add: return the flag (g_gametype 5)

Excessive Plus v1.0rc2a (Oct 13 2003)

fix: "CL_ParseServerMessage: Illegible server message" (>10 players)
chg: ex_* to xp_*
chg: xp_default to xp_defaultWeapon
chg: xp_start_weapons to xp_startWeapons
chg: xp_start_powerups to xp_startPowerups
fix: xp_startPowerups now only after the first connect
chg: xp_instant to xp_switchTime
chg: xp_protect to xp_spawnProtection
chg: xp_missiles to xp_destroyableMissiles
chg: xp_inactivity to xp_inactivitySpectator
chg: xp_teleport to xp_teleportMissiles
chg: xp_multijumps to xp_multiJumps
chg: xp_corpse to xp_corpseTime
chg: xp_respawn to xp_respawnTime
chg: xp_chat to xp_chatProtection
chg: xp_mute to xp_muteSpectators
rem: xp_vanilla
add: xp_hasteFactor
add: xp_regenFactor
add: xp_battlesuitFactor
add: xp_health
add: xp_healthRegen
add: xp_armor
add: xp_armorRegen
chg: xp_dmFlags - added no armor regeneration
add: xp_grappleTTL
add: xp_mgAmmo
add: xp_mgSpread
add: xp_sgAmmo
add: xp_sgStyle
add: xp_sgSpread
add: xp_glAmmo
add: xp_glStyle
add: xp_glTTL
add: xp_rlAmmo
add: xp_rlTTL
add: xp_lgAmmo
add: xp_lgStyle
add: xp_lgRange
add: xp_rgAmmo
add: xp_pgAmmo
rem: xp_pgStream
add: xp_pgStyle
add: xp_pgTTL
add: xp_bfgAmmo
add: xp_bfgStyle
add: xp_bfgTTL
add: extended characters in names and message of the day
fix: g_gametype 1 (tournament) rotation bug
fix: xp_solids 1 prediction errors (stuck on walls)
fix: cycle time for railgun was too low
fix: no chat protection for flag carriers
fix: <Name> Server command overflow
fix: CL_GetServerCommand: reliable command was cycled out
fix: no ammo was added for pickups like weapons or ammos
fix: chat protection was killing yourself for death bodys or missiles
fix: xp_multiJumps didn't worked with xp_vanilla
add: xp_replace_*
add: xp_respawn_*
add: xp_amount_*
fix: Uptime bug
chg: created a new and better excessive3.cfg and removed mrpants.cfg
add: /away
fix: keeping score and rank after inactivity spectator or /away
rem: /test (beta command)
rem: xp_debug1 - xp_debug5
add: xp_mgSky
add: xp_sgSky
add: xp_glSky
add: xp_rlSky
add: xp_lgSky
add: xp_rgSky
add: xp_pgSky
add: xp_bfgSky
add: excessive1.cfg, excessive2.cfg, xp.cfg, xp-old.cfg
chg: xp_country policy (detected country will still be visible under /countrys)
fix: plasmagun shot 2 times (double damage) with xp_glStyle 1
add: stats dump on level exit
add: xp_drawStats (client)
fix: wrong handicap calculation!! (all .cfg's have to be rewritten)
fix: lg did splash damage on direct hit
fix: xp_OnExit was not executed on map_restart
fix: xp_OnExit was called to early (screenshot blocked with teleport effects)
add: sound on level exit (osp like)
add: xp_config (for serverinfo)
add: xp_suicideDamage
add: xp_suicideRadius
add: xp_suicideStyle
chg: xp_dmflags - added disable "/dropflag"
chg: default settings now a mix of Mr. Pants' Excessive and features of XP!
add: voting configs (xp_vote "map,kick,excessive3.cfg,....")

Excessive Plus v1.0rc1 (Sep 2 2003)

First public release.

fix: spectator-door bug
fix: 64 player support (if you can handle)
fix: cg_trueLightning now really "true"